Friday, September 12, 2008

No, I'm not dead..just sleepy!!

Okay I know it's been WAAAAAY too long since I have written a post. That's what happens at the end of a season I just get a little lazy. So this is my official apology and I hope you can except it...pretty please?

So just for an update on things, my back issue (which had plagued me for longer than I would have guessed) is now a memory...phewwww! I have only been keeping active and not really training in a formal sense. just not getting a beer gut in other words.

I also started taking Tae Kwon Do classes. This will come in handy when I'm out biking in Pisgah and I roll up on a bear, He'll never know what hit em, poor bear!!....OR if I have to battle to the line at my next MTB race...(try and snatch this water bottle from my hand grasshopper...)

But if I never get to use it in those situtations I will at least have a great collection of collored belts.

So cheers for now...